Principal Desk

Principal Speaks

Hearty welcome,

We wish to congratulate you for your interest in the career in pharmacy. As you know India is known as “Pharmacy of the world”. In the current pandemic of viral infection, the importance of the health-related issues awaken the society and India played a vital role in the world of medicine. Apart from the chemist and druggist, the pharmacy graduate can show ability to manufacture and design the best quality medicine by entering into the Pharma Industries and contribute to the creation of vast pool of pharmaceutical formulations. The pandemic showed that the Pharmacy student with inclination for the research can enter the R and D to contribute to the health industry. The research fields open to a Pharmacy graduate are NDDS, Pharmacology, Natural Products, Tissue Culture, Nanotechnology, Clinical Research, API and bulk drugs etc. The student with an aptitude for marketing and management have a great opportunity in pharmaceutical marketing and management which is a highly specialized filed with a wide variety of career paths.

Those who have a humanity service inclination can join hospitals as Hospital pharmacists/Hospital management and or become Community Pharmacists. In short, the fields of pharmacy offer the ocean of opportunities in the healthcare sectors. We at KVNNSPS, Institute of Pharmaceutical education and Research try to judge the aptitude of every student and make on endeavour to train him/her to service in the global competition. We have developed our infrastructure at the heart of city with a strong conviction in student welfare and their overall development by well qualifies and experienced faculty. I welcome you again at purely socioeconomical healthcare institute of the Nashik.

Dr. Avinash B. Darekar
M. Pharm, Ph.D., MBA.